OUDS Android documentation Help

Getting started

Orange is providing a full Design System to build Orange mobile application. The objective of the Orange Unified Design System (OUDS) is to propose a set of guidelines on how to apply the Orange Brand on mobile applications. The Orange design system also provides a series of components and modules that show in details how to use this in the Orange apps.

The Orange Unified Design System has been implemented in a code library (OUDS Android) that provides:

  • a Jetpack Compose code library

  • a playground app that can be launched to show the components and modules

  • this playground app also shows how to use the lib or style existing components

Using these resources will allow you to create Orange branded applications faster and will inherit all the work that was done to make sure that all presented codes are fully tested with regard to the brand and the accessibility compliance.

The OUDS Android library is compatible with Android 5.0 (API level 21) and higher.

Last modified: 18 September 2024